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Welcome to Smart, Fit, and Healthy!

I’ve started this blog as a way to share info and ideas about fitness, food and all things to make life vibrant.  Grab a coffee and have a read!Coffee

Fitness is a way of life for me, embedded in childhood and then carried through my adult life.  The energy rush from a great workout is such an amazing thing, it can turn around a bad day, release stress and make you happy!

At heart, I am a scientist and I love to  experiment, especially in the kitchen!  I had absolutely no clue about cooking until I moved in with Mr. Smart.  I had this moment where I realised he couldn’t cook, I couldn’t cook and we might face a lifetime of eating cheese sandwiches together!

To this day, I credit Donna Hay for teaching me everything about cooking.  Her simple recipes that focus on using simple fresh flavours and in season produce still guide how all meals are prepared in my house!  Except now I have a thermomix! I’ll do my very best to post recipes in both TM and regular method.

I’ve started this blog as an answer to all the requests and questions my friends ask me about recipes, workouts, training, and how to fit it all in!