About me

SueHi there!

Welcome to Smart, Fit, and Healthy a blog all about fitness, food, and a healthy lifestyle!

I’m Sue Smart, I’m a group fitness instructor,  an environmental scientist and passionate whole foods cook!  I grew up in Canada but have called Australia home for the last 10 years.

I guess its easy to say that I’m already smart since its my name and everything but being fit and  healthy wasn’t necessarily an overnight change, it’s a process and it’s part of life.

I’m a group fitness addict and am trained in  Les Mills RPM, BodyPump, CXWorx and RIDE.  I’m also a qualified personal trainer!  I became an instructor after realising  I was no longer satisfied with my own training goals and I wanted people to hit theirs while having a bit of fun along the way.

At 32 I am stronger, leaner, fitter then I was at 19.  I’m a true believer that wholesome food  makes you feel good on the inside and look great on the outside.  Food that you can make simply and easily in your own kitchen.  Food that fuels you through your day, your workout, your life.

xx Sue

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