Monthly Archives: October 2015

Teaching Group Fitness while Pregnant

Well here we go, the last week of teaching classes has now come upon me!  I’m a little sad because I have to take a break from something I love but also pretty chuffed because this means I get to sleep in (and that our little person is soon to be here!).

So admittedly I have been scouring the internet looking for blogs of other instructors that taught while pregnant and how they went, when they took a break and it was all as you would expect:  discuss with your doctor, listen to your body and scale back the intensity of your workout.  I agree with all these things but what I really wanted to know was how people really felt while teaching- and insiders perspective.  So this post is about what really happened to me while teaching group fitness while pregnant!

First up, I quit teaching CXworx at 10 weeks pregnant, my instructor manual says that the programme is not suitable after the first trimester so I went with that.  To be honest, I actually could feel my core getting weaker at just 10 weeks!

*EDIT* I believe that Les Mills have advised that the  CXWorx programme is suitable during pregnancy with appropriate modifications further into pregnancy. On a personal note- this may be appropriate for a participant but as an instructor you would have great difficulty in demonstrating the moves for most of the class when pregnant.  Food for thought.

I have kept up teaching BodyPump and RPM along the way scaling back weights and intensity.  This is a great resource for pregnancy options in BodyPump:

So that covers what you expect.  Here is what I didn’t expect- and it wasn’t physical.  As part of the Les Mills tribe we talk a lot about building connection with our members.  Connecting with people is probably something that comes very easily to me so as expected connecting to members has also been effortless for me as a teacher.  Then you throw pregnancy in the mix, something about being pregnant automatically makes people feel very protective of you.  I mean complete strangers help you in the shops, people can’t help but smile at you, it just absolutely brings out the best in humanity.  So what happens in group fitness?

Your participants will fill your heart with so much warmth.

They ask every time you catch their gaze how you are feeling, they ask about progress on your nursery, your sleep at night, your cravings- everything.  Inadvertently,  you get to know each other on a much deeper level, finding out more about their families, children, grandchildren.  It is a wonderful thing.

As my pregnancy has progressed I haven’t really been feeling like the sprite instructor.  I feel heavy, I feel sluggish, I don’t know how I can be motivating for 50 BodyPumpers at 6am.  I have felt like maybe it’s time to call it quits. But almost as soon the thought enters my head I’ll be approached by someone after class who says:

“You are such a great role model”

“You are inspiring”

“I keep going because you do”

“You are going to be a great mother”

Did you just hear my heart explode?  I mean really, who is motivating who here?  Its a form of connection I’m not sure even Les Mills knows of!  So what is my advice to anyone teaching group fitness while pregnant- enjoy it you are about to see something beautiful unfold before you.